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Resources for Unit, Division, and Chapter Leaders

Women with TEACH shirts

Component Volunteer Resources

Welcome to the Component Resources page!

This page is intended to support all component (Unit, Division, Chapter, and Sub-Division) volunteer leaders and connect them with various resources and tools related to component operations, communications, member engagement, and more!

Know Your Component Type

What is a component? A component is any membership-based group within the larger organization. CEC has four main component types: state/provincial units, special interest divisions, local/student chapters and subdivisions. These four component types vary in their operations, yet share many similarities; as a result, there are many resources, tools and best practices that are shared by all of these groups and some that are completely unique to the component type. Learn more about the component types below.

State/Provincial Units serve as the geographical-based membership group within CEC. These groups operate in partnership  Chapters are location or student-based CEC member groups within a state/province.  Divisions are focused groups of CEC members based on their professional interests, role, practice setting or focus in a specific exceptionality Sub-divisions are state/provincial based groups within an existing Division.

Units are supported by the component services manager and unit resource advisor.

State and Provincial Units directly support chapters within 

Chapters leaders are directly supported by their Unit's leadership.

Interested in starting a chapter in your Unit? Contact your Unit leadership for more information about their process.

Divisions are supported by the director of component services.

Divisions directly support the Sub-divisions within their special interest division, even when based in a specific state or province.

Subdivision leaders are supported directly by their Division's leadership.

Interested in starting a subdivision in your Division? Contact your Division leadership for more information about their process.

Shared Component Resources

Component Fundamentals

These resources are the starting point for any new board member, committee chair/member, or component staff. Our "Component Fundamentals" can and should be accessed throughout your volunteer term to keep you sharp and knowledgeable! This section covers your needs for:

  • General CEC onboarding
  • Developing your understanding of the CEC structure (staff support and component structure)
  • General review of resources available to you
  • A FAQ about how CEC staff can help you and your component
Operational Resources

Operational resources provide guidance related to basic component operations--the "stuff" at the core that helps you function. In this section, you can find resources on:

  • Fiduciary responsibilities, including budgeting resources (budget template, CEC admin support
  • Board management (CEC's bylaws, sample executive director contract guidelines, tools for goal setting)
  • Insurance
  • Sample volunteer and committee job descriptions
Membership and Engagement Resources

"Membership Engagement" can be a daunting term--in reality, this refers to any form of connection opportunity for members such as a virtual networking event, professional development (small like a webinar or large like a conference), or membership drives/campaigns. The resources in this section offer a wide range of engagement-related tools. Some tools you can expect to see here include:

  • A form for requesting CEC event support (Did you know we can send you some free swag for a membership booth at your event, CEC membership discounts and discounts on publications? We can also host your event's registration page AND promote your event on our website!)
  • Instructions for pulling membership data and contact information for your Unit or Division (not applicable for subdivisions and chapters)
  • Guidelines for surveying members
  • New member onboarding information
  • Volunteer recruitment tools
Communication Templates and Resources

This section of resources contains a number of branding tools, sample social media posts, template communications and website resources. Look no further, these resources include:

  • The form for updating your component's CEC-based website (Did you know you can host your Division or Unit website for FREE through CEC?!)
  • Pre-drafted member communications for new member onboarding and membership renewals
  • CEC branding guidelines
  • Social media best practices
  • Ready-to-use social media content
Events and Virtual Programming Resources

Planning an in-person or virtual event? There’s so much to think about! Visit this page to make it all a little easier on you and find our helpful resources including:

  • Sample speaker contracts and introduction scripts
  • Our Component Event Form to request membership and publication discounts, promotional materials, CEC-hosted registration, and more
  • RFP (Request for Proposal)
  • Template Planning Tips

This section of resources contains a number of links connecting you with CEC’s policy and advocacy agenda, Legislative Action Center, staff contact, and more. These include:

  • Children and Youth Action Network (CAN) Coordinator volunteer descriptions
  • Information about the CAN Community
  • Policy and Advocacy Resources
  • Public Statement Disclaimer Process for Divisions and Units
Unit/Division Resources for Supporting Sub- Divisions/Chapters

These resources are available to all, but are intended for our Unit and Division leaders to aid in their support of their respective Chapters and Sub-Divisions. Intended to support your component’s operations and expectations of these groups, on this page you’ll find:

  • Sample reporting templates to keep your board informed on chapter/sub-division operations
  • Resources to support faculty advisors for student chapters
  • Templates for establishing your component’s guidelines regarding the creation or reactivation of a chapter or sub- division


Leadership CEC

Leadership CEC is an experience-based program designed to support new or emerging unit/division leaders in gaining a deeper understanding of the CEC organization, CEC governance, and unit/division leadership functions and competencies.

Learn More


If you have suggestions for additional resources, or items you would like to share with other units and divisions, we welcome your ideas and content. 

Please contact the following CEC staff members for the following:

Additional Questions? Contact Our Staff
Brannan Meyers
Brannan Meyers, CAE
Director, Component Services
Danielle Wieczorek
Danielle Wieczorek
Manager, Component Services
Caroline Schwartz
Caroline Schwartz
Manager, Component Services
Last Updated:  9 July, 2024

© 2024 Council for Exceptional Children (CEC). All rights reserved.