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A Case Study Approach to Writing Individualized Special Education Documents: From Preschool to Graduation

A Case Study Approach to Writing Individualized Special Education Documents: From Preschool to Graduation

Author(s): Kathleen A. Boothe, Ph.D., Andrea R. Hathcote, Ph.D

Year published: 2021

Publisher: Council for Exceptional Children

Number of pages: 108

Product Number: P6341

ISBN Number: 978-0-86586-549-5

Member Price: $24.95 (16% off)

Non-Member Price: $29.95





This book follows a special education student through her entire education program. The case study provides readers the relevant information to complete special education documents beginning with the Individualized Family and Service Plan (IFSP) and ending with the Transition Plan. This book was created for anyone wanting to practice writing an IFSP or any of the required Individual Education Program (IEP) documents.

    • Chapter 1: Fundamentals of the Book
    • Chapter 2: Factors to Consider When Writing Individualized Special Education Documents
    • Chapter 3: Rochelle Qualifies for Early Intervention Services: Writing an Individualized Family Service Plan
    • Chapter 4: Rochelle Goes to Elementary School: Writing an Individualized Education Program 
    • Chapter 5: Rochelle Needs Behavior Support: Writing Behavior Intervention Plans
    • Chapter 6: Rochelle Plans for Graduation: Writing Transition Plans

    Kathleen A. Boothe


    Kathleen Boothe


    Kathleen A. Boothe, PhD, is an Associate Professor and Program Coordinator of Special Education at Southeastern Oklahoma State University in Durant, Oklahoma. She is an active member of the Council for Exceptional Children Teacher Education Division and Oklahoma CEC. Her research interests include improving educator preparation programs as it relates to Universal Design for Learning and Classroom Management. 


    Andrea R. Hathcote


    Andrea Hathcote


    Andrea R. Hathcote, PhD, is a Professor of Learning Framework at Tyler Junior College in Tyler, Texas. She is an active member of the Texas Community College Teachers Association. Her research interests include providing undergraduate research opportunities in Honors first year experience courses. 


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