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Preparing Students with Disabilities for Successful College Transition

Preparing Students with Disabilities for Successful College Transition
Elizabeth C. Hamblet, Columbia University
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Research shows that a number of students with disabilities who attend college are unaware that disability accommodations and services are available there. In this presentation, our expert presenter will look at what the laws say about the accommodations and services colleges have to provide. You’ll discuss the accommodations that are typically available at the college level, and what ones might be difficult to get. You’ll also review the types of technology that colleges are using to help students be independent learners at college.

After this webinar, you will be able to:

  1. Understand why shifting laws as students move from high school to college can mean certain accommodations will not be available.
  2. Describe the four categories of accommodation colleges are not required to make for students with disabilities.
  3. Name what technology many colleges use to accommodate students.
  4. Identify what accommodations colleges commonly and grant, and which they do not.
  5. Recognize what research says about which accommodations students use.

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