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Jongwoo Lee

Jongwoo Lee

My name is Jongwoo Lee, and I am a 3rd-year Ph.D. students at the Ohio State University. My research interest is about foreign language learning of d/Deaf and Hard of Hearing students. I'm also interested in d/Deaf students with additional disabilities. I am currently working as a graduate research associate in the special education school focusing on the transition of students with severe needs. I have a great opportunity to talk about the foreign language classroom anxiety that secondary d/Deaf students feel in the EFL classroom.

1 results found
Foreign Language Classroom Anxiety of Secondary Deaf Students
This questionnaire was developed to measure the foreign language classroom anxiety for d/Deaf and Hard of Hearing students. This is the self-reporting questionnaire you can use when you are curious about what these students feel about the English as a Foreign Language classes.
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